Thursday, March 15, 2012

Crackdown on synthetic marijuana

Peter Linton-Smith
FOX 13 News Pasco County reporter 

SPRING HILL - Brightly colored packages of potpourri can be found at many convenience stores -- and most of them are illegal.

Last year, Florida banned some of the ingredients found in the potpourri because it is being used like marijuana. When the synthetic marijuana is used as pot, it can be dangerous.
"It has a tendency to be more likely to lead to psychosis and sometimes prolonged psychosis," according to Hernando County Sheriff Al Nienhuis.

Emergency rooms are beginning to report more cases of people with bizarre side effects related to the use of fake marijuana, sometimes called K-2.

"These manufacturing conditions are not up to pharmaceutical grade," Sheriff Nienhuis added.
This week, deputies fanned out across the county to visit 130 convenience stores. Deputy Steve Snell is one of the deputies checking the shelves.

"We're going around to all our convenience stores our retailers that might be selling this type of product and trying to inform them what law changes have taken place," Snell said.
Snell will deliver a page-long warning letter. It lists the ingredients in potpourri that are now banned.
"This letter is to inform you of recent changes in the Florida State Statutes which specifically address the possession of chemicals in synthetic Marijuana (commonly referred to as Spice or K-2)."
The letter goes on the warn the "...chemicals are now outlawed (making) it a third degree felony for ANYONE to posses of sell items that contain these chemicals."

The warning letters have been well received thus far, according to Snell.
"We haven't had any resistance. They're very appreciative of what we're doing. We're trying to make sure they're in compliance."
Deputies will eventually make a return visit. If the K-2 or Spice is found on the shelves, the store owner could be arrested.

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